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- Who Is My Real Yute

Just dont get me cheesed....

10. Ashleys fav month:
. December
. March
. June
. None of the above
9. Ashley likes:
. Beyoncé
. Goat Cheese
. Roasting
. Knock knock jokes
8. Ashleys Favourite Ball team is:
. The GSW
. Any team with steph curry on it.
. The BOBOCO Ballers
. The Cavaliers
7. Ashley can spit:
. Fire
. Bars
. Far
. Dollars
6. Ashley gets:
. Bare tings
. Guap
. Lunch money
. Buckets
5. She can do everything with:
. Modivation
. Multitasking shoes
. Food
. Weave
4. She is a:
. Doctor
. Love whisperer
. Therapist
. Rock
3. Her pet peeve is:
. Lebron James
. Hoedown music
. Sydney Cousins
. All of the above
2. Ashley has:
. A food supplier
. A twin
. A invisable octopus
. A brother
1.Ashley is:
. Bae
. Cute ASF
. Super Sweet
. Steph's Wifee

